Timekeeping is now a key element in companies' work processes in many different areas. There’s a multitude of different ways you can adapt it to serve different purposes – depending on your professional field, company culture, and your team’s overall goals.

Keeping track of time spent on work is the easiest way to calculate work costs that is being used since ancient times. Historically, many types of timekeeping have been evolved that are now being used in different fields.

Calculating costs of work is not the only purpose of timekeeping:

  • It helps to obtain vital business data and, therefore, allows for performance analysis and improvement.
  • Time records let managers and business owners figure out important trends.
  • As for regular employees, they may track time to see where it goes and then boost process efficiency.

Here are the benefits of timekeeping for businesses:

  1. Accurate data for billing and accounting.
  • For companies that bill their customers based on hourly rates, accurate timekeeping data is essential. It solves the issue of under billing and helps to maintain friendly relations with customers.
  1. Transparency and traceability.
  • Timekeeping data, which are available in gross form and summarized in reports, provide information on how certain tasks were performed and which parts of them took the most time.
  1. Easier planning.
  • Plans for future workloads, based on previous information, are more accurate. In addition, timekeeping data helps identify time-wasting activities and eliminate them or optimize the work process for future assignments.
  1. Better work management.
  • Establishing work processes requires defining time estimates and timeframes. They need to know how much time is normally required for specific tasks, so it is easier to set them up based on the previously collected data.
  1. Better discipline.
  • Better Discipline and Morale: Knowing that time spent on specific tasks is traceable, employees tend to use it more carefully.

And the benefits of timekeeping for employees:

  1. Optimizing work process.
  • Knowing which tasks are more difficult and time-consuming, it is easier to allocate time more wisely and accomplish them first.
  1. Defeating procrastination.
  • Being aware of your time expenses motivates you to spend time more consciously, eliminate distractions, and tackle harder tasks.
  1. Identifying overwork.
  • A summary of time expenses helps to identify activities that require more time than your work day and to detect possible overloads.
  1. Defining your scope of responsibilities (and defending it).
  • Seeing how much work you’re able to perform within any specific period of time allows you to limit your workload to the reasonable values and provides a valid reason to say no to excessive assignments.

Like other companies and businesses, timekeeping is also essential to our organization. Timekeeping is used to consistently and accurately automate time and attendance functions for organizations. By applying and enforcing pay and work rules, organizations can make significant strides towards reducing errors, payroll inflation and unnecessary overtime.

Parts of the scope of timekeeping in our company are as follows:

  1. Leave Application – applying for leave/break from work for a particular time period.
  2. Certificate of Attendance – proof that the employee reported for work on a certain day, but something went wrong with the biometric device
  3. Schedule Adjustments – an application for any change of shift for a day, for a couple of weeks or months, and for Rest days and Holidays even.
  4. Overtimes and Undertimes – overtime meaning working beyond the given 8 hours of work while undertime is working below the given 8 hours of work.
  5. Official Business – often applied for any work done outside the walls of the office

Each is critical to the development of policies and procedures to ensure that the company maintains accurate time records for all non-exempt employees and that they are compensated for all time spent on the job.