An Employee Onboarding Process is the systematic and targeted transformation of promising candidates into top-performing employees.

Refer to the whole onboarding process through this link:

By carefully planning the onboarding steps, businesses give new employees the information, relationships and tools they need to be comfortable and confident enough to do an exceptional job.

The transformation begins when recruiting, as candidates imagine working for your business. It speeds up when an applicant becomes an employee. It culminates with the employee's first days and weeks of critical work, which builds (with hope) strong ties with new team members.

More importantly, the onboarding experience resonates throughout an employee's tenure in your company, sometimes setting the tone for their whole career.

Poor experience can lead to early starts and high staff turnover. A good experiment can trigger happiness in the long run.

Part of the onboarding process is to see to it that the requirements sent by the newly hired employee are complete and they are fully ready to start working with the company.

Prior to onboarding, the company requires the employee to procure the required requirements. In the company, you cannot start unless you have completed the requirements. You are given 3 days to a week depending on how many requirements you lack to secure them.

Here are the requirements needed:

  • Birth Certificate - a civil registration document that establishes the birth of a child. It is an official form that provides details of a person's time and place of birth, as well as his or her name, gender, mother's name and father's name. The word “birth certificate” may reference either the original document or a certified true copy or representation of the original birth certificate document.

  • Cedula – Cedula is also known as the Community Tax Certification (CTC). It is a document issued to individuals or corporations at the time the Community tax is paid. It is also essential when registering for a new business, submitting an application for employment or filing tax returns.

  • SSS Number – The Social Security Number or SSS Number is a 10-digit number issued to Filipinos applying for SSS membership. It’s used in all transactions with the SSS, such as availing of benefits and loans.

  • PHIC number – The PhilHealth Identification Number (PIN) is a unique and permanent number issued to any client upon enrolment/membership registration to the National Health Insurance Program of the Corporation for purposes of identification, eligibility verification, and utilization recording.

  • HDMF Number – The MID number of Pag-IBIG and the Enrolment Tracking Number (RTN) are two different things. Pag-IBIG's MID number is a single and permanent 12-digit number issued to each registered member. It's required for all Pag-IBIG transactions. The RTN, also composed of 12 digits, is a system-generated number that you receive just after you complete your online registration. It is just a temporary reference number for Pag-IBIG transactions such as contribution payments before you receive your permanent number.

  • TIN Number – TIN Number or simply TIN (Taxpayer ID Number) is a unique set of numbers assigned to each taxpayer enrolled in the Philippines. This is a fundamental requirement every time you deal with the Bureau of Internal Revenue (BIR), hence the need to apply for it upon entry into the labor market.

  • BIR 2316 – BIR Form 2316, or to give it its full name, the Certificate of Compensation Payment/Tax Withheld, is a form that must be filed with the Bureau of Internal Revenue, or the BIR, by employers in the Philippines every calendar year. BIR 2316 is completed and delivered to each employee who receives salary, wages or other remuneration from the employer. The certificate must show the total remuneration paid to each employee in the previous calendar year and the total taxes deducted from each employee.

  • TOR/grades/diploma – The Transcript of Records is an inventory of the courses taken and grades earned of a student throughout his stay in the university or college, including transferred credits from other schools.

  • NBI/Police Security Clearance – The National Bureau of Investigation (NBI) security clearance is a government document that is released to someone upon request. It certifies that the said person, at the time of the application, is not involved in any current criminal case in the Philippines. Unlike a police clearance (which is restricted to a specific area), an NBI security clearance covers all of the Philippines. A person’s NBI Clearance is valid for one year upon its request, and should be used within that time.

  • COE – A “Certificate of Employment” refers to a certificate from the employer specifying the dates of an employee’s engagement and the termination of his/her employment and the type or types of work in which he/she is employed. An employee whose employment has not yet ended can also request a certificate of employment.

  • Medical Examination Results – Employees have the right not to undergo a medical examination, to see a report in front of the employer and to prevent the employer from seeing it. However, such rights do not apply if it is a one-off medical report prepared by a company doctor, occupational health physician or independent specialist because that person will not be (or have been) responsible for the individual’s clinical care. If you have employees working in situations where their health could impact on their ability to perform their duties, it’s best to include the following in their contract of employment: The Employee agrees to consent to medical examinations (at the Company’s expense) by a doctor nominated by the Company should the Company so require. The Employee agrees that any report produced in connection with any such examination may be disclosed to the Company and the Company may discuss the contents of the report with the relevant doctor. 

  • 2x2 pictures – This is a photo with preset dimensions, in this case with width 2 inches and height 2 inches. Also known as passport sized photos which really means photos used in passports. These are the mostly common pictures being asked by employers upon employment.

  • 1x1 pictures – This is a photo with preset dimensions, in this case with width 1 inch and height 1 inch. These are the photos used for cards, IDs, and such. It is a requirement for employers to ask for photos of different sizes upon employment.

  • 1 valid ID – There are only a number of valid IDs that are acceptable within the Philippine employment scope. Here is the list of the primary valid IDs in the Philippines: 
  • Philippine Passport
  • Driver’s License
  • PhilHealth ID
  • SSS UMID Card
  • Postal ID
  • TIN ID
  • Voter’s ID
  • PRC ID
  • Senior Citizen ID
  • OFW ID

What the onboarding officer needs to do in the onboarding tracker is to input the date you received the requirement and put comments if the requirement has not been submitted yet.