Ever wondered how recruiters find the right people for the job?

Well here is how.

Recruitment is the process of finding candidates and actively hiring them for an open position or job in the company. It helps source the candidates with the abilities and attitude required for achieving certain objectives in the organization.

The recruitment process varies from company to company. There are basic steps that any recruiter can take to make the recruitment process as smooth and as successful as possible.

To improve hiring efficiency, it is recommended that an organization's HR team follow the five best practices. These five practices ensure successful recruitment without any interruptions. Furthermore, these practices ensure consistency and compliance in the hiring process:

  1. Recruitment planning – Outsourcing and planning how the recruitment process works and flows.
  2. Strategy development - Recruitment strategy is the second step of the recruitment process, where a strategy is prepared for hiring the resources. After completing the preparation of job descriptions and job specifications, the next step is to decide which strategy to adopt for recruiting the potential candidates for the organization.
  3. Searching – Involves posting on job boards and waiting for applicants to apply.
  4. Screening – Presuppose interviews and background checks.
  5. Evaluation and control – Evaluation of the interview and waiting for the approval for final interview and sending of job offer.

These are the basic guidelines in the recruitment process but to our company, there are similarities to the basic guideline but is somewhat unique in its own way. Although it still follows the basics, the way the recruitment works in the company is that it follows a certain pattern using different forms, applications, and processes.

The process is as follows:

1. Lodging of MRF or the Manpower Request Form

  • An MRF is a form needed to be done in compliance to the recruitment process. This form has questions like who has approved of the manpower request, the requesting department, the position required, and etc. 
  • Lodging requests through the MRF is the first step of the recruitment process.
  • A Manpower Request form must not be submitted without prior approval from the manager.


2. Recruitment Tracking using the Recruitment Tracker

  • The Recruitment Tracker is a spreadsheet specialized to track the recruitment process and for easier and more orderly following of the said process.

Some of the parts of the recruitment tracker include:

  • Position open – The position available in the company.
  • Salary range – Salary range to be received by the employee if hired.
  • Approved by CEO – The CEO approves who enters the company, as well as approves of the job posting and the MRF.
  • Posted on job portal – The time and expiry date of the job posting posted on job portals.
  • Shortlisted applicants – Name and position of the people shortlisted for the job.
  • Initial interview – Conducting of initial interview about the company, credentials, and if they are right fits for the position.
  • Assessment exam – Set of exams to assess their capabilities. Can be personality tests, mental ability exams, etc. Any kind of test related to the recruitment process can be used in this.
  • HR endorsement to department head – Department heads have the say on who they want in their team. With the HR endorsement, the department heads get notified on who passed the initial screening.
  • Establish interview schedule with department head and client – It is important to establish rapport among the applicant and the department head to see how well they fit in the team. In this way also, the applicant now has a sense on what their role in the company should be.
  • Advising of HR of interview result by department heads – The interview with the DH will serve as the final interview and when the DH is pleased with the results, they inform the HR department for the making and sending of job offer.
  • Background check - This reassures the recruiters that the finalists chosen are reliable and don’t impose risks to the company. These checks are of utmost importance to avoid untoward incidences from occurring.
  • Preparing of job offer and forwarding it to the CEO for approval – The CEO checks the job offer made and prepared and approves it before sending it to the employed individual.
  • Sending of job offer – Sending of the job offer indicates that the applicant has been accepted for the position.
  • Signing of job offer if not declined – The recruitment process ends when the job offer is signed by both parties. When the person being sent the job offer to declines the job offer, HR is notified if it happens.


3. Posting on Job Portals

  • Job portals are modern terms for online job boards that helps applicants find jobs and aids employers in their quest to locate candidates. Job boards like Mynimo or JobStreet offer a wide range of jobs in a vast number of fields.
  • Job postings consist of the position available and the responsibilities of the applicant should they be hired, the qualifications of the applicants, and the company overview.


4. Tracking of Applicants using the Applicant Tracker

  • The applicant tracker is the special made tracking system specifically for easier tracking of the number of applicants sending an application.

The classification of the applicants in the applicant tracker are:

  • Sent applications to job portals
  • Interviewed
  • Interviewed and already partook in the assessment test
  • Endorsed by HR
  • Slated for final interview

The difference between the Applicant Tracker and the Recruitment Tracker is the Applicant Tracker shows the resumes of the applicants while the Recruitment Tracker only shows the dates when they have applied, the interview dates, and so on.

5. Sending of Job Offer

  • A job offer is an invitation for a potential employee to work in a specific position for an employer. Job offers typically contain the details of the employment offer, including salary, benefits, job responsibilities, and the reporting manager's name and title.


6. Signing of Job Offer

  • Job offers are sent to those who have passed the initial and final screening. Once you have passed the final interview, you will be informed that you have indeed passed and you have gotten the job. With the job offer, the requirements are listed there in line with the company’s policies and are expected to be procured before the onboarding date.


7. Onboarding

  • The onboarding date is the date you are expected to first report or show up to work. Once you have done processing your requirements and are ready to start working, update your onboarding officer so that they can process the things needed to be processed. When done, you are asked to report to work punctually whether it is on-site or work from home.

Refer to the flow chart attached for better understanding.