Here are the commonly asked questions about the training and development department answered and explained:

1. Where can I find, headhunt, source training champions for our technical skills training?

  • Sourcing these people can be very difficult if your connections are not that wide but social media gives a lot of opportunities to find valuable ones. But a highly reliable source for training champions may come from LinkedIn. Search, Connect, Message.

2. Where can I find reliable and valid source of information for my training contents and materials?

  • Refrain gathering information from Wikipedia. Data and information from Wikipedia can be changed from time to time which held reliability issues. Published articles will do, trusted pages such as elearningindustry, SHRM, BizLibray other business and educational related websites.

3. Is it okay if I conduct one training needs analysis (TNA) for a number of training programs?

  • Yes, as long as the trainings are related to each other or the programs are to be administered together in a same event or the training programs are specific to one department or person. (e.g. Fiber Tech Training for IM Department includes fiber cabling, cable termination, fiber identification, fiber standards, cable tagging, OTDR Use, etc.)

4. Since its okay to conduct one training needs analysis, it is okay to conduct one training plan/program too?

  • If the agreement stated that the related trainings are to be administered or delivered in unique event, then the answer is NO. But if the trainings are to be administered in succession, then yes since its saves more time. 

5. Is Training and Development affiliated with Human Resources?

  • Yes. Training/Learning and Development is a subset of Human Resources together with CompBen, Recruitment, Engagement, Labor Relations, etc. On the other hand, some companies would take training and development as an independent department with unique processes depending on the size and nature of the business but still, they share one unique, that is to develop the workforce.  

6. If trainees failed to attend the training, what are the succeeding actions?

  • No disciplinary actions (such as NTE) will be made by HR. They will be tagged “incompetent” for the said skillset in the skills matrix and a notification from T&D will be sent to their immediate head afterwards.


7.  Is there a specific design to be used for the creation of instructional materials? 

  • Yes, a specific powerpoint (PPT) slide design was pre-made.

8. Is training and development solely responsible for all the creation of modules, courses, learning materials? 

  • No, training and development are not magicians, they must coordinate and work closely with other department heads, managers, etc. to validate and consult learning collaterals for the specific department. T&D is “not the know-it-all” department.

9. Is it okay to assume a specific training program without confidence on the contents?

  • No, conducting a training without confidence on your knowledge to it is a big risk. You are not only sabotaging the training program but you’re sabotaging the whole department too. Trainee’s rapport will go down as well as engagement. Trust from the company for the department to deliver high quality training in the future is at stake! Inform the T&D Manager for these concern.

10. What is a skills matrix?

  • It is a visual representation of the skills for a department, team, a group of people, or an individual needed to become effective in their work and achieve optimal productivity.

11. What are training materials?

  • Training materials include all the things you need for the program from start to finish. These include; PPT presentation, handouts, post assessments, attendance sheet, training acknowledgement form, etc.

12. What is a training acknowledgement form?

  • Training acknowledgement form is a document whose purpose is to provide a solid proof that a training was conducted for the specific employee, other than his attendance. It is also used when a certain employee mistakenly complained to the management that he/she was not given a training where in fact he/she was.

13. What is a skill gap?

  • A skill gap is a phenomenon where employees become incompetent because of the lack of skills. Skill gaps occur when a new process is introduced or qualifications don’t match to the newly hired (mismatched in skills needed).

14. How do we measure training effectiveness?

  • The widely used concept in obtaining metrics for training effectiveness is Kirkpatrick’s level of learning evaluation. This measure the training in four levels: Reaction, Learning, Behavior, Results.