Consider a merger or acquisition. The technical side of the change is certainly complex. You must work out the financial arrangements of the deal, integrate business systems, make decisions about the new organization's structure, and more. But getting people on board and participating in the merger or acquisition can make the difference between success and failure

Why? Individuals will need to perform their jobs differently. The degree to which they change their behaviors and adopt new processes has a significant impact on the initiative. This is why the soft side of change can be the harder side of change. Fortunately, a structured approach to managing the people side of change can make a big impact on overall success.

Change management addresses the people side of change. Creating a new organization, designing new work processes, and implementing new technologies may never see their full potential if you don't bring your people along. That's because financial success depends on how thoroughly individuals in the organization embrace the change.

Change management is the application of a structured process and set of tools for leading the people side of change to achieve a desired outcome. Ultimately, change management focuses on how to help people engage, adopt and use a change in their day-to-day work.

When defining change management, we recognize it as both a process and a competency.

Change management requests for the company are used to improve processes and help the TQM department and every other department update their procedures and overall enhance the flow of their operations.

There are two main objectives of the change management request, namely:

  1. To ensure that standardized methods and procedures are used for controlled, efficient prompt handling of all changes.
  2. To minimize the impact of change-related incidents to service quality, and improve the day-to-day operations of the organization.

The scope of this process are all the documents of House of I.T. under QMS and ISMS.

In every procedure to be understood properly, there will always be a provision of a process flowchart and here is the one for the change management request to further explain the main flow of this matter:

The procedure details are as follows:

1. The very first thing to do is identify the change needed, if it is needed or required.

2. From there, the department heads/team leaders must foster the initiative to fill up and complete the change management request form. The TQM manager is notified when a team leader/department head has issued a change management request form. Refer to this link to the full format of the change management form:

3. If the form has been approved, the TQM manager is tasked to complete relevant briefing/training of revised change to the members of the department as applicable along with the updating of the process map and the process assessment spreadsheet as required. The ones who can update these things are only the people part of the department and the TQM manager.

  • If the newly revised change of process needs to be altered again:

1. The change management request form details provided must be revised by initiator/owner and resubmitted to the TQM department for further assessment.

2. Change details are applied again after they are thoroughly re-assessed and approved.

  • If the change management request form is rejected:

1. The revision of the change management request form is not required anymore since it has been rejected.

2. The form is then returned to the initiator with the explanation as to why it has been rejected. One example as to why a form will be rejected is that the process lacks the requirements for the ISO Standards.

8. Relevant documentation of the revised processes are recommended and forwarded to the relevant people for the requesting for action on Strategy X. A briefing or training maybe necessary and it is the TQM manager’s task to complete these set of trainings for the revised changes as applicable.

9. Once the changes have been made, the final update of the documentation is then issued to relevant stakeholders.

10. Relevant staff shall monitor the change implementation and its effectiveness of the flow of operations within the department as well as within the company.

11. It is the management’s initiative to review the changed processes and include the status report of all changes, whether it is for the better or not.

To understand more. follow through this table: