Video games provide a creative social activity. They’re thought provoking, and when done correctly, they’re fantastic exercises for our brains. Most importantly, they’re fun! Over 2.2 billion people play video games globally. They’re in our homes, our sports arenas, our computers, on our phones, and even in our cars.

Gaming is mainstream. Studies have discovered that gaming can help players develop an affinity for technology, strengthen their problem-solving skills, and enhance their motor and spatial skills. In addition, research has shown that video games in the workplace can help employees recover from fatigue and stress. And by introducing video games in a day-to-day routine, employees can become emotionally comfortable with each other, learn how their minds click together, and help them develop creative methods to meet business goals.

Gaming is not technically forgetting about the employee’s work responsibilities. In a way, it is an approach for them to unwind after long working hours. That is why the company implement the gaming in the workplace policy for employees who wish to stay after shift hours to play games and such.

The objective of this policy is to setup a guideline for playing online games and other stuff in House of IT.    

This policy covers all House of I.T. Employees reporting in the company premises, e.g. Centro Office, Manila or Clark Office but not employees working from home.

The guidelines of the policy are as follows:

  1. If an employee wishes to avail this free recreational activity, the employee should be working in the company premises, e.g. Centro Office, Manila or Clark Office. This is not applicable to employees working from home.
  2. Playing of online games and accessing other stuff not related to work are only allowed outside of the working shift of the staff (provided that they are not disturbing other employees who are still working).
  3. Employee should only be accessing sites that are not restricted and has no bad image/impact to the company and to any persons involved within the company.
  4. Anyone who is found violating these guidelines will receive disciplinary action aligned with what is stated in the company’s Code of Conduct.