Simply put, an error is a mistake. However, that mistake is more likely due to a lapse in judgment or skill than to an accident.

But an error can be corrected. It is not permanent. It is a temporary notion that needs immediate fixing. Error can be found everywhere from letters, promotional posters, artworks, and even in emails regarding work.

In the company, there is a policy on how to handle error emails with the objectives namely:

  • To establish guidelines on how to manage any client emails sent to or cc error email.
  • To provide the client with immediate assistance to errors.
  • To ensure customer service excellence is highly observed.
  • To ensure employee productivity is beyond expectations.

Not all personnel are part of the scope of this policy. This policy covers all the Back Office employees exclusively.

The procedures to eradicate, avoid, and handle well error emails are as follows:

1. Once an email is received by the concerned immediate head (whether it is a sent to email or a cc’d error email), it is imperative for them to acknowledge the receipt of the email.

2. They are given less than 5 minutes upon receiving the email as a turnaround time to acknowledge the email.

3. It is the immediate head’s duty to expedite and investigate the error for he/she is the one who was sent to or cc’d the email.

4. After investigating, the immediate head must hit reply all to the email while keeping the error email in the loop and explain in full detail why the error has occurred and what was found during the investigation of the said problem.

5. It is also important to state in the reply email if the error must be COUNTED or NOT. The immediate head is required to justify why the error must be counted or not. The grounds for this is if the error is considered valid or not.

6. This time, the turnaround time to reply in full detail explanation if the error must be counted or not is less than 30 minutes upon receiving and acknowledgment of the said email.

7. When an error is confirmed and counted, the immediate head is asked to discuss the matter with the concerned employee/s regarding the error email. A record of discussion with agreed actions must be lodged in Strategy X for documentation.

8. From there, the immediate head needs to update the team’s utilization report for any confirmed error to avoid encounters of the same problem.

9. If there is a need to escalate any emails to the senior team lead, team officer, or manager especially for emails affecting general service failure, it is encouraged.

10. Lastly, there are scheduled penalties on violations against enhancement of company productivity and data entry errors that are obliged be followed.