Corporate sales are sales made by one company to another company through its daily transactions. Corporate sales are also called B2B sales, or business-to-business, sales. On the other hand, if sales are made directly to the end consumer, these are called business-to-consumer, or B2C, sales.

Corporate sale does not only include goods, but they can also include services.

The sales department frequently plays a central role in a company's success. This is the only department that has the responsibility to provide funding to the organization.

It also has the following responsibilities:

  • Conversions

While marketing and other departments are responsible to generate interest among the customers, the sales department is the department that makes the customer move ahead of the interest stage of the funnel to the final conversion.

  • Customer Acquisition

Sales also contributes to the acquisition of clients who were previously unaware of the offer. It also includes cold calls, cold emails and other efforts to attract more clients. And the more customers you have, the more profitable the organization is.

  • Customer Retention

Sellers often develop a relationship with customers so that these customers remain with the company for a long time.

  • Business Growth

Business develops when customers buy their deals and repeat the purchase. Sales are responsible for these things.

Like every department in the company, the sales department has different processes to completely fulfill their duties in the success of the company.

The sales process is as follows:

  1. Add Prospect Clients to CRM
  2. Qualify and Prioritize the Prospect Clients
  3. Create Deal in CRM
  4. Book Appointment
  5. Determine If Solution/Product Offered
  6. If Solution, Required Hand Over to Design Team
  7. If Product, Price Up the Product
  8. Create the Quote
  9. Approve the Quote
  10. Send to Prospect Client the Quote
  11. Follow Up
  12. Negotiate
  13. Receive Decision
  14. Create Draft Invoice in Xero
  15. Approve Invoice
  16. Send invoice
  17. Follow Up If Unpaid
  18. Invoice Paid
  19. Place Purchase Order for Products in Xero (if applicable, out of stock)
  20. Provide Status of Deliveries to Client
  21. Checking If Product Met the Needs of the Client
  22. Review Opportunity for Upsell

Refer to the whole breakdown of the sales process through this link:

Each process as crucial as the next one. If one process has not been made or completed, the next process cannot be done. These processes depend on each other for the main goal to be attained.