Here are the commonly asked questions about timekeeping and payroll answered and explained:

1. What is a Holiday pay?

  • A Holiday pay is for employees who have not worked during the days which falls on a regular holiday and not special non-working ones.

2. What is a Legal pay?

  • A Legal pay is for employees who opted to work during regular holidays.

3. What is the difference between Legal and Holiday Pay and when it is applicable?

  • If an employee has worked on a regular holiday (not special non-working ones), he/she is entitled with a legal pay and a holiday pay. However, if the employee has not worked a regular holiday, the employee is only entitled a holiday pay.

4.  Can employees use other banks for their payroll?

  • No, they most certain cannot. The company's payroll is strictly for BPI therefore there is a need for employees, new or not, to procure bank accounts under the company's payroll even if they have existing BPI accounts, they still need to open new accounts for easier access for payroll and avoidance of confusions.

5. What is a Night Shift/Night Differential pay and how to compute?

  • Night shift differential pay is an additional pay for work between 10:00 pm and 6:00 am the following day. 

  • How to compute for the Night Differential pay:

Refer to the table below on how to compute for the night differential pay on different occasions:

          1. Determine the employee’s hourly rate

Daily rate / 8 hours = hourly rate




Daily rate: 643.68


Computing for the hourly rate:


643.68 / 8 = PHP 80.46 (hourly rate)


2. Computing the hourly rate with Night Shift Differential


PHP 80.46 (hourly) x 1.2 - PHP 96.552 (paid hourly rate by the company with NSD)


3. Computing for the Night Shift Differential


Computation: 96.552 - 80.46 = 16.097

NP x Total Number of Hours Worked




           16, 097 x 10 = 160.97

6. Do employees with Night Differential pay receive 10% or 20%?

  • Employees receive 20% more for their Night Differential pay.

7. What is the difference between filing an Official Business and filing for a Schedule Adjustment?

  • Schedule Adjustment and Official Business are somewhat similar in Sprout HR.  

To differentiate the two

Schedule Adjustment: an application for any change of shift for a day, for a couple of weeks or months, and for Rest days and Holidays even.


Official Business: filed as proof for when an employee does his/her work outside the walls of the office; serves as an employee's biometric logs.

8. How do you cancel an approved Certificate of Attendance?

  • As a manager or an administrator, you can cancel an approved Certificate of Attendance application. 

  • Let's take a look at the steps below: 

1. Under the My Team tab on the Navigation toolbar on your dashboard, select Approval Center from the drop-down list that appears.

2. Narrow your results by date range, employee name, and company if necessary.

3. You can find the approved application under the Processed tab.

4. Click the X button and to cancel the application, after which you’ll be required to enter the reason for canceling.

5.Click the Cancel Application button and you’ll be notified when cancellation is successful.

9. How to update details of a filed Certificate of Attendance?

  • There are times when you find that you have inadvertently input the wrong information on your Certificate of Attendance. Fortunately, Sprout HR allows you to edit your application even after submitting it for approval, but only as long as the filing hasn't been approved yet by your immediate manager.

 Via My Stuff panel on the Dashboard

1. Under the My Stuff Panel, look for the specific COA application you want to update. Click on the Pencil icon beside the COA.

2. Input the changes in the COA details and the reason for the update.

3. Click the Save button, and a notification message will appear if your application was submitted successfully.

 Via My Requests tab on the Dashboard

1. Click the My Requests tab, and choose My Certificates of Attendance from the drop-down list that appears.

2. Under the Pending/Resubmitted for Editing tab, look for the specific COA application you want to update, and click the Update button.

3. Input the changes in the COA details.

4. Click the Submit button, and a notification message will appear if your application was submitted successfully. Click the OK button.

10. How to cancel a filed Overtime application?

  • Cancellation of overtime can be done by either the employee, the manager, or the administrator. There are two ways to go about this:

Via My Stuff panel on the Dashboard

1. Under the My Stuff panel, look for the specific overtime application you want to cancel then click on the X icon.

2. The details of the selected overtime application will be shown. Click the X icon again in the pop-up box and input the reason for cancellation.

3. Click Submit and a notification message will appear if your application was cancelled successfully.

Via My Requests/Approvals tab in the Dashboard

1. Click the My Requests tab, and choose My Overtimes from the drop-down list that appears.

2. Under the Pending/Resubmitted for Editing tab, look for the specific overtime application, and click the Cancel button.

3. Input the reason for cancellation.

4. Click the OK button, and a message prompt will appear if your application was cancelled successfully.

11. What is the difference between a certificate of attendance and an official business?

  • Filing an Official Business (OB) is akin to filing a Certificate of Attendance (COA). 

  • The main difference is that the OB is filed as proof for when an employee does his work outside the walls of the office. The COA, meanwhile, serves as proof that the employee reported for work on a certain day, only that some mishap may have happened with the biometric device. Furthermore, an approved COA reflects on the Attendance Management page, while an approved OB does not. However, an approved OB is equivalent to biologs for any given day.

12. What reason is acceptable when filing for a leave application?

  • If you are having a decent reason for leave application then your request will not be declined without any justification, particularly, when it is due to some personal reasons, like illness, urgent piece of work or for visiting sick parents, etc.