Here are the commonly asked questions about the Facilities and Operations Management answered and explained:

1.  What are the roles of each of the members of the FOM department?

The FOM department has 4 sub-groups in their department. Each has certain roles they need to pertain. Here are some of them:

  • Housekeeping – Housekeeping and cleanliness promote efficient production and a good working environment at the workplace. Indeed, an efficient production and good working environment complement each other. Eliminating inefficiencies and the risk of accidents caused by unfavorable conditions in and around the workplace is necessary to ensure that work is done correctly and safely. The attention paid to these important details, which are often neglected at the workplace, not only contributes to workplace safety, but also has a significant positive impact on employee productivity.
  • Security – This is basically the process of protecting an employee from work-related illnesses and injuries and securing the workplace (building, etc.) from intruders. Each company should have an Environment, Safety and Health Policy Statement (an example of a Workplace Safety Policy). In addition to the physical security of the employees, it is essential to ensure that the company's data, networks, software, equipment and important assets are also protected.
  • Handyman – Handyman is a maintenance professional who conducts routine maintenance on a customer's house or office building. Customers often call them to report a maintenance request and the handyman arrives promptly to assess the situation and repair the problem. Some people in this role will perform quick or easy tasks, such as simple repairs, managing several maintenance reports at a time, and cleaning facilities.
  • Procurement and Liaison Officer – A procurement officer supervises the operations of the department responsible for procurement. In their supervisory role, they assign tasks to each employee and review the work. They also set out a plan to purchase equipment, services and supplies. Because of their knowledge of procurement procedures, they recruit the right people in their department and train them according to corporate procurement policies. Purchasing managers can effectively supervise their personnel when they are familiar with relevant practices, procedures and policies.

2. What are the shifting schedules of each member of the FOM department?

The shifting schedules of the members of the FOM department are as follows:

  • FOM Manager
  • Since it is a corporate job, the shifting schedule of the FOM Manager is at 8 am – 5 pm with off days on weekends.
  • Housekeeping
  • Some report at 6 am – 3pm.
  • Others 12 pm – 8:30 pm.
  • For night shifts, there are housekeepers who report at 8 pm – 5 am.
  • And for Saturdays, housekeepers report at 5 am – 2 pm since every office activity on Saturdays always ends at 2 pm.
  • Security
  • 6 am – 6 pm.
  • 6 pm – 6 am.
  • Basically they change shifts every 12 hours to ensure there are no mishaps and problems faced within or outside the company.
  • Except every Saturday.
  • Handyman
  • The shifting schedule of the handyman is at 9 am – 6 pm daily, Monday to Friday.
  • Procurement and Liaison Officer
  • The Procurement and Liaison Officer’s shifting schedule is at 8 am – 5 pm on weekdays with off days every weekend like the FOM Manger.

3. What is the difference between the HR Freshdesk and FOM Freshdesk?

  • It is just like the HR side of Freshdesk. The main difference is that the HR Freshdesk has the KBS on it or the Knowledge-based System. Also the HR department uses the paid version of Freshdesk and the FOM department uses the free version.

4. Are there CCTvs in the office?

  • Yes, there are CCTVs everywhere in the office.

5. How does the FOM Manager create the seat plan of the employees working in the office?

  • The process of finding the right seating arrangement for employees is that the FOM manager uses the occupancy plan of the office as basis for the seat plan. He/she also uses the schedule and the department location of the employee as another reason as who why the employee is seated where they are supposed to. From there, the FOM manager works with the onboarding officer of the HR department for the new hire set up which involves the onboarding officer requests for the workstation and seat plan of the newly hired employee.

6. Why is the FOM department involved when an employee transfers from the office to a WFH set-up?

  • The FOM department is involved for the FOM Manager to be notified and helps his/her update the Centro office occupancy accordingly.

7. What are the most common problems lodged in the FOM Freshdesk?

  • The most common problems or tickets lodged in the FOM Freshdesk are maintenance related problem, purchasing requests, the new hire set up, and queries about the lockers and locker keys.

8. What happens when the locker key is not returned by the leaving employee?

  • The FOM department has a master list of the employees who have locker keys. If the employee has lost or failed to return the locker key upon their offboarding process, they are charged for the loss via salary deduction.

9. How many tickets per week does the FOM Freshdesk receive?

  • The FOM department receives at least 10 tickets per week.

10. What is the difference between the FOM Manager and Liaison Officer?

  • The difference between the Liaison Officer and the FOM Manager is that the Liaison Officer provides support and assistance to the FOM Manager in terms of processing permits, licenses, and other related tasks. Whereas the FOM manager oversees all FOM related operations and functions as well process requirements for permits and licenses.