Facilities operations and maintenance encompasses a broad spectrum of services, competencies, processes, and tools required to assure the built environment will perform the functions for which a facility was designed and constructed. Operations and maintenance generally include the daily activities necessary for the constructed building or structure, its systems and equipment, and the occupants and users to perform their intended function. Operations and maintenance are grouped under the common term O&M because a facility cannot operate at peak performance without maintenance.

Problems with maintenance, security, housekeeping, buying, etc., cannot be avoided. There will always come a time when employees need some help.

That is the main reason why the Facilities and Operations Management has their own ticketing tool called Freshdesk.

The company has a license of the ticketing tool named Freshdesk where which mainly consists of tickets. Tickets in which every department of the company has lodged for them to ask for help or solutions to the problems within their department or the company.

Freshdesk is a ticketing tool used to lodge problems and find sensible solutions either from other employees or ready-made articles for their perusal. The Freshdesk license can only be granted to the people involved in the Human Resources department, the team leaders, and department heads. The company uses Freshdesk for easier solving of problems faced within the company and the answering of queries from people to people.

How do you register or signup for an account on Freshdesk?

For FOM or the Facilities Operations and Management, here are the ways to register or signup an account:

  1. In your browser, type in this link: https://houseofitassist.freshdesk.com/support/signup
  2. From there, you must enter your full name and your company email address, not your personal email address, as required in signing up.
  3. Click the register button afterward.
  4. A user activation email will be promptly sent to you once you hit register.
  5. Click the URL given from the activation email sent to you and consequently create a password for your account. Your password should be in reliance on the password requirements and is easy to remember to avoid forgetting it.

Once you are signed in, you are allowed to do these things:

  1. Create a new ticket for:
  2. An office seat plan request
  3. An office accommodation request
  4. Working environment concerns
  5. Housekeeping and utility concerns
  6. You can also check the statuses of the tickets you have sent whether it still pending, opened, responded to, and closed.

The FOM manager sees to it that every ticket must be acknowledged by each member of the department. The one who answers the tickets depend on the problem of the said ticket. If the query is about purchasing, then the member assigned to procurement/admin duties is the one who will answer said ticket.

The FOM department receives at least 10 tickets per week. Each thoroughly answered and explained.

It is just like the HR side of Freshdesk. The main difference is that the HR Freshdesk has the KBS on it or the Knowledge-based System.

KBS is is a computer program that uses a knowledge base to solve complex problems.

At House of I.T, KBS is an internal system that allows end-users (employees) to view related articles as solutions to frequently asked questions, processes, procedures, and tips inside the Freshdesk ticketing system.

Basically, KBS involves ready-made articles for employees to find solutions to their problems.

Refer to this link for an article made for the FOM department through KBS: https://hoithr.freshdesk.com/a/solutions/articles/63000266565