Here are the commonly asked questions about the whole offboarding process answered and explained:

1. What is the difference between onboarding and offboarding?

  • While onboarding and offboarding are two very different parts of an employee’s journey, they need to be similarly executed. It’s never as simple as a “you’re hired” or “you’re fired.” Both of those statements come with a myriad of strings attached. The step-by-step process of each should be planned from start to finish, and all the paperwork should be carefully organized.
  • Both onboarding and offboarding can have elements of uncertainty and risk for employees and organizations alike. Without careful communication, both sides may question the motivation of the other. During onboarding, this often manifests in nervous excitement as the new hire and the organization test the fit of the new employee.
  • During offboarding, however, the uncertainty is tied to the decisions that led to the employee leaving. In the case of employee resignation, the employer may wonder if there is any way they could have convinced the departing employee to stay. And when employees are terminated or laid off, they may question their employer’s true motivations for letting them go.

2. Who processes the exit clearance form?

  • The one who processes the exit clearance form is the offboarding officer. He/she sees to it that every department involved in the clearance form has done their part and has signed in order for the signature process to flow smoothly.

3. Is there a need for an exit clearance form if the employee chooses to AWOL or immediately resign? Why?

  • Yes, there is still a need for an exit clearance form for employees who chose to AWOL or immediately resign. Why? Because the clearance form serves as contingency for the employer and employee that the data that is deemed confidential and for employment purposes strictly only for the people employed in the company.

4. What is the use of a clearance form?

  • A clearance form is a great way of ensuring that the employee who has opted to leave the company has no longer access to certain information or data that is deemed confidential and for employment purposes strictly only for the people employed in the company.
  • This will usually prevent employees from releasing information to the public or to the media. Employees are required to have clearance forms because of the need of security. However, clearance forms are also a great way to keep track of employee output and attendance as well. This is done by having the clearance be used as a means of checking when the employee enters the area, as well as when they will leave the area.

5. Is the clearance form the same as the quit claim waiver? The difference?

  • No, they are different. The clearance form is for the assurance that the previous employees cannot release information to the public, information in which are strictly for the people employed in the company.
  • An Affidavit of Release, Waiver, and Quitclaim for Employment is used when an employee voluntarily resigns from employment.
  • When an employee resigns from employment, they are usually given a "final pay" which includes all remaining salaries and other contractual and legal benefits that the employee has earned but has not yet received. When the final pay is given, the employer would usually want to protect its interest by asking the employee to sign an Affidavit or Release, Waiver, and Quitclaim which would state that the employer has paid everything that is owing to the employee and that the employee has no other claims against the employer. In other words, the employee is waiving any and all claims in favor of the final pay. Because of this, the Affidavit of Release, Waiver, and Quitclaim would also include a statement that the employee is waiving any and all claims against the employer that is connected to or arising out of the employment relationship.

6. Can the next signatory view the document ahead of their scheduled signing or it is prohibited?

  • No, they can’t view the document unless it is their turn to sign already.

7. How to determine the last actual work day of the employee?

  • 30 days after he/she has sent in a resignation letter/notice. The start of the counting of the days is when the HR has received the resignation letter/notice from the employee.

8. Who issues the pay slip of the employee?

  • The one who issues the pay slip of the employee is the HR in-charge of payroll and timekeeping. He/she guarantees that the pay slip is accurate and the values are well computed to avoid any discrepancies.

9. Can the issuing of quit claims be occasional?

  • Yes, for AWOL and employees who have chosen to immediately resign, they cannot receive quit claims for their last salary pay will not be given.

10. What is Xero and how does it affect the whole offboarding process?

  • Xero is an application for the finance department where its usage is to request funds. The people who have access to this are the managers, the HR department most especially the recruiter for job postings, employee relations, offboarding for last pay, basically people who need funds can have access to Xero.
  • After the offboarding officer receives and signs the quit claim waiver, he/she then sends it to Xero for the giving of the funds to be used for the last salary pay of the employee.

11. What happens when an employee fails to turn in their IDs, locker keys, and parts of the computer equipment?

  • The employee’s clearance form will not be completed until the employee has presented the missing items. Furthermore, their last salary pays will not be processed.

12. Why do people who chose to AWOL or immediately resign cannot have their last salary pay?

  • As stated in Part 8 of the probationary contract:

8. TERMINATION OF EMPLOYMENT This contract may be terminated by TBOS on any of the just and authorized causes as provided in the Labor Code of the Philippines. The employee may terminate the employment relationship provided that he/she tender a WRITTEN notice of his/her resignation to either the HR Manager or their Department head, thirty (30) WORKING days prior to the termination of his/her employment. Failure to do so shall forfeit the last pay as DAMAGES for the company and shall not be granted exit clearance. Resignation letters / emails submitted to your assigned client are not recognized as official resignation under DOLE since TBOS is your employer. Moreover, any resigning employee is obliged to make a proper turn-over of work and properties in his/her possession belonging to TBOS.