Policies are made to promote order and discipline amongst the employees in the company. Without policies, there would not be peace and synchronicity in the company.

Upon employment, the employee must adhere to the policies, rules, and regulations of the company to avoid untoward incidents from occurring.

In the information security industry, policies and procedures refer to the documentation that describes how your business is run. A policy is a set of rules or guidelines for your organization and employees to follow in or to achieve compliance. Policies answer questions about what employees do and why they do it. A procedure is the instructions on how a policy is followed. Procedures are the step-by-step instructions for how policies are to be achieved. A policy defines a rule, and the procedure defines who is expected to do it and how they are expected to do it.

A policy is a set of rules or guidelines for your organization and employees to follow in or to achieve a specific goal.

An effective policy should outline what employees must do or not do, directions, limits, principles, and guidance for decision making. Policies answer questions like: What? Why?

What is a procedure?

A procedure is the counterpart to a policy; it is the instruction on how a policy is followed.

It is the step-by-step instruction for how the policies outlined above are to be achieved. A policy defines a rule, and the procedure defines who is expected to do it and how they are expected to do it. Procedures answer questions like: How? When? Where?

In the company, there are a lot of policies the employee should adhere to or else they will face major consequences.

Here is the list of policies the company has:

Attendance and Punctuality

Disciplinary action resulting from attendance issues is typically based on the pattern of absences that are unscheduled within a defined timeframe. An employee whose attendance record shows an unacceptable pattern of attendance will be notified of the problem as soon as possible following its discovery. Excessive unscheduled absences may have an impact on an employee’s salary, or continued employment. Each employee is expected to report a period of absence prior to the start of his/her schedule or as otherwise defined by their superior. Failure to report a period of absence properly may result in disciplinary action. Special considerations will be made for medical situations that qualify for emergency or sick leave.

An employee who for valid reason be late/tardy shall inform his/her immediate head/department head that he/she is going to be late through ATU notification at least 1 hour before his/her actual time of duty.

Policy on HMO

The company grants an additional one legal dependent to all managerial, supervisory, and executive level employees. The amount will be shouldered by the company.

Monetary Housing Benefit

The company grants monetary monthly housing to all managerial, supervisorial, and executive level employees with outstanding performances.

Policy on Official Business

Employees are required to accomplish an OB (official business) form showing the detailed itinerary of such official trip duty approved by the department head and must be submitted on or before said sate. The company shall only shoulder expenses specifically stated in the travel period. Should there be any extensions, a request for the same matter must be communicated immediately to the main office and sufficiently justified otherwise expenses incurred after travel period shall be borne by the employee concerned.

Bereavement Leave Benefit

An employee who wishes to take time off due to the death of an immediate family member should notify his/her immediate head as soon as possible. If an employee leaves work early on the day he/she is notified of the death, that day will not count as bereavement leave. Bereavement leaves will normally be granted unless there are unusual business needs or staffing requirements. Employees are allowed up to 5 days off from the regularly scheduled duty with regular pay in the event. The employee must present a death certificate as proof of death and relationship.

Education Assistance Program

The company grants educational subsidy to the managers for every academic semester/trimester. 10 slots are available per semester. Interested employees will have to furnish a complete education plan availment form with the approval from his/her department heads and CEO and to be submitted to the HR department.

Clinic, First Aid, and Medical Aid

The clinic is used for medical purposes only. Staff are not tolerated to stay in the clinic as a lounging area. Medicines are readily available in the company nurse desk. Employees are required to log in their names and medicine take to the company’s medicine log book.

Gaming in the Workplace

Players should be registered in the company network in order to be provided gaming access rights. Playing computer games are allowed Mondays to Thursdays 5 PM – 9 PM and Fridays 5 PM – midnight.

Payroll Distribution

Payrolls are processed biweekly. Employees are paid every 10th and 25th of the month. If the regularly scheduled payroll date falls on a Saturday, Sunday, or Monday, salary shall be released the Friday immediately preceding the scheduled pay. When a payroll falls on a holiday, employees will be paid on the last business day before the holiday.

Salary Loan

The company will allow regular employees to avail personal cash advances for emergency purposes such as sickness, death of immediate family members, natural disasters, and other events that need immediate cash assistance. Salary loan is available to regularized employees who has no existing company loans, earned a recent monthly scorecard of at least 90%, and a good moral standing based on the company’s code of conduct and existing policies. Salary loans should be paid within 6 months after the loan amount was received.

Dental Coverage

The dental coverage will be a reimbursement type which means the employee who wants to avail of the dental services will have to pay the dental fee from their own pockets first and then the company will the refund the amount reimbursable.

Asset Transfer

Work from home employees who wish to transfer the company equipment from registered location to another should ask permission from the company.

Policy on Formatting Employee’s Computers

HR personnel, officers, supervisorial, and managerial level employees have the right to request for a computer, laptop, or any electronic device to be formatted, upgraded, and installed with new system applications. Any request arising from the staff level shall be forwarded first to their respective section heads for approval. Requests should be done through Sharepoint and/or sending an email to tech support at support@houseofit.com.au. Tech support will process the request accordingly and will send a confirmation email to the requestor about the status.

Policy on IT Helpdesk Room Rules

For proper conduct and decorum. Basic guidelines are listed for the employees to follow inside the office like no immature behavior, must maintain quietness by only discussing work-related discussions, playing music only through headphones, no eating on computer desks, being respectful and courteous at all times, and much more.

Department Performance Quality Standard

The IT department is implementing a point system to address errors and reworks on the tasks assigned. Errors and reworks will be defined by the IT department head and any count of errors and reworks shall be subjected for investigation before it escalates. Refer to the point system here:

Once the errors or reworks has been tagged, the IT head will lodge an incident report and explain the errors committed. This incident report will be forwarded to CHROD for investigation. Procedure will be handled by both IT and CHROD.


All employees of the company should not directly or indirectly be involved in business competition against the company or developmental products identical or similar to those of the company’s for third parties on behalf of themselves or in capacity as an owner, manager, shareholder, advisor, director, official, partner, employee, and such of any business entities while he/she still works for the company or within 3 years after their termination.

Sexual Harassment

Section 3 of R.A. 7877 which states that sexual harassment in the workplace is committed by an employer, employee, manager, supervisor, agent of the employer, or any other person who, having authority, influence, or moral ascendancy over another person in a work environment, demands, requires, or otherwise asks for any sexual favors from the other person, regardless of whether the demand, requests, or requirement for submission is accepted by the object of the said act.

Any officer or employee who has experienced or witnessed any act of sexual harassment in the workplace shall report the problem immediately to the committee on Decorum and Investigation. They may also report acts of sexual harassment to any other employee. All allegations of sexual harassment will be quickly investigated. To the extent possible, the identity of the officer or employee will remain confidential and that of any witnesses and the alleged harasser will be protected against unnecessary disclosure. When the investigation is completed, all parties will be informed of the outcome.

Policy on a Drug-free Workplace

The use, possession, solicitation, or selling of dangerous drugs is prohibited inside and outside the company premises. If such activity affects the employee’s work performance, the safety of the employee or other people will be at risk as well as the company’s reputation. There is a mandatory drug test to be conducted if there is one employee who is caught with said dangerous drugs.

All drug tests shall employ 2 testing methods which are: the screening test where it determines if the result is positive or negative and the confirmatory test which will confirm a positive screening test. The company shall inform the officer/employee subjected to the drug test with the results, be it positive or negative. If positive, the employee will be referred to a rehabilitation facility. Following rehabilitation, the company’s assessment team, shall evaluate the status of employee in question on whether or not he/she imposes danger to his/her colleagues or in the workplace.

TB Prevention and Control Workplace

TB education shall be conducted in close coordination with the health and safety committee through the distribution and posting of IEC materials, counselling, and lectures.

The company shall adopt the DOTS strategy in the management of workers with TB. 

TB case finding, case holding and reporting shall be in accordance with the Comprehensive Unified Policy and the National Tuberculosis Program.

Hepatitis B

Job applicants and employees shall not be compelled to disclose their Hepatitis B status and other related medical information. Co-employees shall not be obliged to reveal any personal information about their fellow employees. Access to personal data relating to employee’s Hepatitis B status shall be bound by the rules on confidentiality and shall be strictly limited to medical personnel or if legally required.

The management together with the company focal personnel for human resources and health and safety shall provide appropriate personal protective equipment to prevent Hepatitis B exposure especially for employees exposed to potentially contaminated blood or body fluid.

HIV and AIDS Workplace

The medical clinic of the company in coordination with the health and safety committee shall conduct HIV-AIDS education to all employees for free. This shall also form part of the orientation of the newly hired employee. The standardized information package developed by the Department of Labor and Employment may be used for this purpose.

The Company, together with employees/labor organizations, company focal personnel for human resources, safety and health personnel shall develop, implement, monitor and evaluate the workplace policy and program on HIV/AIDS, provide information, education and training on HIV/AIDS for its workforce, ensure non-discriminatory practices in the workplace and that the policy and program adheres to existing legislations and guidelines, ensure confidentiality of the health status of its employees and the access to medical records is limited to authorized personnel.

Workplace Romance

Employees are strictly prohibited from engaging in physical contact that would in any way be deemed inappropriate by a reasonable person while anywhere on the company premises, whether during working hours or not. Any supervisor, manager, executive, or other company official in a sensitive or influential position with the company must disclose the existence of a romantic or sexual relationship with another co-worker. Disclosure may be made to the immediate supervisor or the HR head. This disclosure will enable the company to determine whether any conflict of interest exists because of the relative positions of the individuals involved.

Failure to cooperate with the company’s rules and regulations to resolve the conflict or problem caused by a romantic or sexual relationship between co-workers or among managers, supervisors, or others in position of authority over another employee in a mutually agreeable fashion may be deemed insubordinate and maybe used for the grounds of immediate termination. The disciplinary policy of the company will be followed to ensure fairness and consistency before any extreme measures are taken.


Here are some of the COVID-19 protocols one has to follow:

Stay at least six feet from other people.

Cover your mouth and nose with a cloth face cover when around others.

Avoid close contact with people who are sick, even inside your home.

Wash your hands often with soap and water for at least 20 seconds. If soap and water are not available, use a hand sanitizer that contains at least 60% alcohol.

Avoid touching your eyes, nose, and mouth with unwashed hands.

Cover your mouth and nose with a tissue when you cough or sneeze or use the inside of your elbow and do not spit. Throw used tissues in the trash.

Clean and disinfect frequently touched surfaces daily.

Be alert for symptoms. Watch for fever, cough, shortness of breath, or other symptoms of COVID-19.

Take your temperature if symptoms develops.

Alcohol Free

If an employee’s demeanor causes the company to suspect that he/she is using, possessing, soliciting, or selling alcohol in the workplace, the latter will request the former to submit himself/herself to an alcohol test. If the employee objects to the alcohol test, he/she must state the reason why for the said objection. The company shall immediately decide whether the grounds for objection is valid or not. Should the company find the objection invalid and the employee still refuses to take the test, the refusal will be considered grounds for disciplinary action.

If the alcohol test shows a positive result, the employee will be referred to the assessment team for further examination. However, if the employee still disagrees with the result of the assessment team, he/she will be subjected to another alcohol testing at the nearest medical facility.

Disciplinary action will be subject to disciplinary procedure. It will follow the company’s due process which begins lodging an IR followed by a notice to explain and so on, following the code of conduct and discipline policy.

Mental Health

The company shall establish a referral system and provide access to professional services of a mental health professional for employees who are identified to be mentally unstable. The company shall make arrangements with a mental health specialist and adopt the DOLE implementing rules and guidelines in the management of workers with mental health problems. Mental health findings, case holding, reporting, and recording shall be in accordance with DOLE occupational safety and health guidelines.

Policy on Data Entry Errors

Data entry errors in a month shall be considered offenses and shall be subject to appropriate disciplinary action based on the company rules and regulations. Three (3) errors in a month shall be considered as one offense and shall be subject to appropriate disciplinary action based on the company rules and regulation. Four (4) or more errors will have a corresponding monetary deduction. PHP 250.00 per error will be deducted from employee's’ monthly salary.

Training Bond Service Agreement

Refer to the training bond table here:

Technical Certification Incentive Program

Employees and trainees who have acquired technical certification will be provided with a monthly add-on incentive. The incentive is based on the allocated monetary value as specified in the Learning and Development Matrix. The incentive becomes permanent once the employees/trainees have reached the highest/mastery level certification. Additionally, the incentive will be effective 30 days after the certificate was issued.

Monthly Customer Service Awardee Program

Refer to the table for the monthly customer service awardee policy here: 

Best Performing Team Policy

Minimum of 4 members per team are qualified for the award. Except teams under different lines of work, services, or clients, they need to have at least 3 members. The team must have zero infractions issued to them to be qualified. Furthermore, their monthly KPIs should bet at 50%, the code of conduct infraction points at 25% and the man-hour loss at 25%.

Employee Referral Program

A newly hired employee can be a referral or another employee has referred the applicant to try their luck in the company. The onboarding officer determines this by referring to the employee referral form in Google docs made by the recruitment officer. If the applicant hired is a referral, the onboarding officer creates an action for the HR performance in-charge or the HR performance management to notify the HR in-charge of payroll of having the referral fee paid after the employee has passed the 3rd month evaluation. This date must align with the performance evaluation. You just have to check with the payroll in-charge with this matter since they are the ones efficient with this matter.

Employee Separation and Clearance

The company shall not release any form of payments due to separated employee as a result of his/her separation without a duly accomplished clearance form. If un-cleared by any department, the clearance form shall not be processed or held in abeyance as prerequisite for further processing unless a bond (cash/surety) is posted. The clearance form will also serve as an authorization of the separated employee allowing the company to deduct any deductibles from the final pay.

Overtime Request Approval

The following scenarios will require the employee to render overtime: the client requires and approves of the shift extension especially during peak season, the KPI of the transaction has been behind of what the client requires and volume is low provided that the jobs were received at least 30 minutes before end of business hours, and the employee’s expected volume for the day has never been met and utilization is low while the volume for the day suddenly spiked later in the day.

The following scenarios should disqualify any employee from rendering overtime regardless of the pending volume: an employee’s utilization for the day has reached 100% with the appropriate processing time, an employee’s expected volume for the day has been met with the appropriate processing time, and all the jobs received beyond the business hours must be considered a job for the following day whether the above employee conditions were met or not.

2-hour Non-operational PC

The IT department must strictly follow this standard operating procedure in case such incident occurs. They should also set up a backup (temporary) pc to any staff whose pc is not working for a maximum of 2 hours and must make sure there are at least 4 pcs reserved if such incident may occur.

Authorization for Official Business

An employee who is on official business (OB) shall be required to register in the timekeeping device/timesheets in the following cases: if OB is in the morning only and the employee will proceed directly to his assignment but shall return to work after; he must register his time out. What the employee should do is that they must register his time in if OB is in the afternoon only and the employee will no longer return to work.

If OB is between the work schedules, registration of time in and out is needed and all OB must be approved by the CEO.

An employee who is on official business (OB) will be exempted from registering his attendance: if an employee will be out the whole day, if an employee will attend whole day company-initiated seminars or workshops outside the company premises and if an employee will be on provincial trips or assignments.

For all three (3) cases, application for OB must be accomplished and submitted to HR Department at least two (2) days before the scheduled assignment. However, if the OB is extremely urgent and immediate, OB form must be submitted to HR within twenty-four (24) hours upon completion of the assigned task.

In the absence of the immediate superior, the employee is required to notify the HR Department of whatever official business he will engage in.

Approving Shift

Filing of change shift schedule must be approved by the Department Head and should be done within the day prior to the date of effectivity. Only approved change duty schedule will be catered by the HR Timekeeping Staff. Failure to follow such guidelines will consider the duty hours of employee null and void.

New Hire Pre-employment Requirements

Newly hired employees will sign the Job Offer stating their name, address, monthly basic pay with or without additional allowances. Before the candidate begins employment, the following forms must be completed and submitted to the Human Resources Department. 

The requirements are as follows:

a. Medical Exam Result - Within 3 to 4 days after signing Job Offer.

b. Government Mandated Numbers: TIN, Pag-ibig, Philhealth and SSS

c. NBI, Birth Certificate, 1x1 and 2x2 pictures

d. Certificate of Employment - Maximum of 30 Days after signing the Job Offer.

e. Diploma, Transcript of Records or any Competence Evidence as specified upon application - Within 3 to 4 days after signing Job Offer.

Any misrepresentation or delay in the submission may affect the job continuation or retraction of the Job Offer.

Employee Referral

Three thousand pesos (Php 3,000.00) will be rewarded to an employee for every successful referred applicant that passed their 3rd month performance evaluation.

Two thousand pesos (Php 2,000.00) will be rewarded to an external partner for every two (2) successful referred applicant that passed their 3rd month performance evaluation.

Policy on Trainee Job Offer and Regularization

Immediate Head of the trainee is required to furnish an endorsement letter to justify why his/her trainee should be offered a permanent employment in the Company and submit to HR Department one (1) month before the end of trainee’s internship period.

Trainee should satisfy the following criteria to the qualify for the employment:

a) Not more than 3 absences in the duration of the internship.

b) A monthly passing score of at least 80% record to his/her metric score.

c) No record of a major company violation during his/her internship.

d) In good moral standing.

e) Have served the company for a minimum of 3 months or 600 hours.

Trainees who have successfully endorsed and passed the requirement will be offered a Job Offer after his/her internship and who have accepted the Job Offer will be rewarded a waived 3-month probationary period provided that he/she passed the 3rd month performance evaluation set by his/her respective Department Head.

Recruitment, Selection, and Placement

Refer on how to lodge an MRF or a Manpower Request Form and the whole recruitment process through these links:

1.The Recruitment Process: https://hoithr.freshdesk.com/a/solutions/articles/63000263941

2. How to lodge a Manpower Request Form: https://hoithr.freshdesk.com/a/solutions/articles/63000263942

Code of Conduct

Refer to the code of conduct explained through this link: https://hoithr.freshdesk.com/a/solutions/articles/63000264653

Attendance and Punctuality

An attendance is defined as a full or partial day away from work, late arrival, early departure, or unauthorized deviation from the assigned work schedule. Unscheduled unavailability for work in any form is costly, disrupts work schedules, imposes added work on others, negatively affects morale of the employees who are available will not be tolerated. Disciplinary action resulting from attendance issues is typically based on the pattern of absences and the number of absences that are unscheduled within a defined timeframe.

Excessive unscheduled absences may have an impact on an employee’s salary, requests for transfer or promotion, and/or continued employment. Likewise, each employee is expected to report a period of absence prior to the start of his or her schedule or as otherwise defined by their supervisor. Failure to report a period of absence properly may result in disciplinary action.

Company ID

The Company ID is issued to all employees of the company and facilitates identification of these employees and provides them access to company’s premises. All employees must use their ID and the Biometrics System as basis for daily login and logout and must wear their company ids at all times when inside the Company Premises.

For Trainees, they shall be provided with a Trainee’s Pass which must be worn at all times. Failure to adhere to this policy will have an appropriate sanction as defined in the code of conduct and policy.

The loss of a company ID and or sling must be immediately reported to the HR Department with an Affidavit of Loss. A form from HR Department must be completed to start processing for a replacement. While a replacement is in process, a temporary pass will be issued to the staff member. Admin Officer will then release an internal memo advising the Building’s Security personnel accordingly. Employees who declare their ID cards lost shall be charged a penalty cost of PHP 200.

Internet, E-mail, and Computer usage

All company automation systems including computers, fax machines, telephone lines, printers, and all forms of Internet/Intranet access, is for company business and authorized purposes only.

Use of the Internet and electronic mail system is allowable if use appropriately or during lunch or other break period and does not result in expense or harm to the company or otherwise violate this policy. Use is categorized as ‘excessive’ if it interferes with normal job functions, responsiveness, or the ability to perform daily job tasks. Electronic tools should not be used to solicit or sell products or services that are unrelated to the company’s business; distract, intimidate, or harass coworkers or third parties; or disrupt the workplace.

It is a violation of company policy for any employee, including system administrators and supervisors, to access electronic mail and computer system files to satisfy curiosity about the affairs of others, unless such access is directly related to that employee’s job duties. Employees found to have engaged in such activities will be subject to disciplinary action. Employees are individually liable for any and all damages incurred as a result of violating company security policy, copyright, and licensing agreements.

RFID Proper Care and Usage

An RFID is issued to all employees to gain access to the company’s premises. Employees who left their RFID cards need to submit a written explanation to his immediate head about the said incident. When an RFID card is lost or stolen, the cardholder should take the following step:

a) Report the loss/stolen card immediately to the HR or Internal Tech Support with an Affidavit of Loss.

b) Employees who declare their RFID cards lost shall be charged a penalty cost of Php50.00

Dress Code

The following new guidelines define appropriate street casual attire:

For Men: street casual attire includes shirts (polo, long-sleeved, or tees), jackets or blazers, trousers/pants (slacks, khakis, corduroys, plain/tattered jeans) formal-tailored shorts, and shoes (rubber, leather or sneakers).

For Women: street casual attire includes shirts (polo, long-sleeved or tees), skirts, jackets or blazers, dress, pant suits, formal-tailored shorts, blouses, sweaters, slacks, jeans, shoes (sneakers or rubber) and strapped sandals.

Friday, Saturday and Sunday of each week and weekdays during inclement weather condition are considered dress-down days. Other days or special occasions will be made known to employees by the CHROD Department through a formal memorandum. However, one must use the following guidelines to define appropriate casual attire.

Workplace Visitor

Visitors are not permitted in the operations floor at any time unless for business reasons and pre-approved by the CEO or Country Manager. All separated/suspended/on day-off employees are not permitted to enter the operations area. Validity of an official business with the specific department has to be established before they are granted an entry.

All visitors should fill in the log book provided by the HR Department stating their name and purpose of the visit and entertaining of visitors during working hours is a violation against enhancement of company productivity.

Appropriate disciplinary action shall be implemented accordingly.

Company Rooms Usage and Guidelines

Company rooms are intended for business purposes only. Employees are not allowed to standby inside the room after their shift unless with prior approval from their Immediate Head or Top Management. Violators will be dealt accordingly. Only employees occupying the particular room are allowed to stay inside for work related purposes. Employees from other department/section are strictly prohibited to enter the room unless with prior approval from the Department Head and with business transactions.

General House Rules

Here is the list of house rules the company has and every employee has to follow:

Proper conduct and decorum is expected from all employees which includes the use of proper and decent language, observance of proper office and work decorum, and good working relationships with colleagues, customers, and clients.

Dress Code is office attire or smart casual. No shorts, sleeveless shirts, slippers (flip flops), hats/caps and other headwear are permitted.

Employees should observe proper housekeeping at all times.

All equipment and facilities that belong solely to the company must be handled and used appropriately.

Everyone is expected to come on time on his/her assigned work schedule. A pattern of tardiness and regular absences will result to disciplinary action as stated in the company’s Code of Conduct and Discipline.

The remuneration package is strictly confidential between the employee and the company. It is therefore, NOT TO BE DISCUSSED with any working associate inside the company. Concerns with the contract, should be discussed with HR Department.

The use of social media sites such as Facebook and Twitter is not permitted at any time of the day.

Installing or downloading of programs or any software is prohibited unless authorized by the IT Manager or in–house Tech Support.

Failure to follow this protocol will result to disciplinary action against the immediate head and the concerned employee.

Trainees Attendance and Punctuality

A maximum of two (2) failures to login/logout through the prescribed procedures regardless of the reason (exceptions are for cases of defective and lost proximity cards which are reported immediately as prescribed in the ID Policy) shall be considered as a violation in the Attendance Policy.

Every trainee shall follow the official time set for reporting in, and leaving from work. A trainee, who for no valid reason/s, arrive at his workstation on a regular working day later than the official time for his shift shall be considered tardy for that day. Tardiness of (3) three or times in a month shall be considered one offense and shall be subject for penalties and tardiness for (4) four times or more in a month shall be considered as (1) one absence.

A trainee who is absent from work because of emergency reason shall notify his/her immediate head of the absence and the reason for absence at least two (2) hours before his/her scheduled shift. Except in cases when this is not possible, trainee shall notify his/her immediate head at the the earliest possible time of his whereabouts and of the reason for his/her absence as well as his/her failure to comply with the required notification before his/her scheduled shift. Otherwise, this shall be considered as an unexcused and unauthorized absence. A trainee who commits five (5) unexcused absences since he started to the company shall be subject to termination.

The consequences or repercussions when one of the policies get violated depend on the intensity of the violation.

Here is the table on how the offenses are classified and what action it takes: