Here are the frequently asked questions about the onboarding process explained and answered:

1. What is the main difference between the recruitment process and the onboarding process?

  • The main difference between the recruitment process and the onboarding process is that the recruitment process entails finding a person to fill in the open job positions while the onboarding process is helping the newly hired employee settle in with their new jobs and help them flourish. The onboarding process also helps explains the benefits, the terms of employment, job descriptions, job responsibilities, and much more.

2. Are the requirements needed for the recruitment the same with the requirements needed for the onboarding process?

  • Yes. It is certainly the same as with recruitment, the requirements are parts of the recruitment process specifically the sending of the job offer part. It is stated in the job offer that these requirements are needed prior to onboarding. The employee needs to provide requirements like the government IDs, medical results, and before their onboarding date. They cannot onboard without the completion of each requirement. Regarding the medical records, they still cannot onboard without them. Basically, each single requirement is fundamental in starting or signing on.

3. What is the main requirement needed prior to onboarding?

  • The most important requirement, requirements rather are the medical records and the government IDs, most definitely because they serve as identification and an indication that you are fit to work in the company.

4. Can they onboard if they lack requirements?

  • No, they won't. Like what was being previously said, the onboarding officer requires the employee to secure their requirements completely before starting.

5. Is there a timeframe as to when the BPI account number or account should be needed?

  • The onboarding officer sees to it that on the day of onboarding that the employee has already procured his/her bank account number. If the employee has not procured said bank account number, the onboarding officer follows up the employee every now and then for the status of his/her bank account.

6. Do the agreement papers need to signed directly?

  • The employee is given at least 1 week to read thoroughly and sign promptly the agreement papers.

7. Where is the 201 file stored?

  • Some employees send physical copies of their pre-employment requirements, the HR in-charge scans them and stores the requirements in a 201 file. In the company, the 201 file is stored in HR folder of the OneDrive location of all the files of the company. The only people who can access this is the HR department.

8. Which benefits are applicable in probationary period? Which of those are added once regularized?

  • Benefits can be availed as soon as the employee has completed their probationary period. Meaning, they are on their way to become regular employees. Regular employees can take advantage of all the benefits the company has to offer for them, granted that it has been approved by their immediate heads. As with probationary employees, the only benefits they can utilize are the absences, lates, and the issuance of IDs.

9. Who chooses the buddy in the mentor-buddy program?

  • The onboarding officer asks the team leaders or the department heads who will be the buddy of the new hire. A buddy is someone who partners with a new employee during his or her first few months of employment. He/she provides insight into the day-to-day activities of the company and is there to help the new employee fit in more quickly. Typically, a buddy would make him- or herself available to show the new hire around the office, go over procedures and policies, and generally help the new hire become familiar with the company's inner workings and culture.

10. Can a buddy be changed as time progresses?

  • If the mentor-buddy has been implemented and is currently ongoing, the buddy cannot be changed to favor the employee. However, certain reasons may cause the buddies to be changed like for example the buddy of the employee has resigned or the buddy has been transferred to another department.

11. Who performs the employee induction?

  • The one who performs the induction are the department heads or the team leaders if the employee is from the back office.

12. How long does the induction process take?

  • Induction is the process of welcoming a new team member into the organization and its culture. It might involve a slideshow presentation on team culture, for example, a meet-and-greet or tour with relevant coworkers, gifts such as a welcome book or company swag bag, or a matchup with a veteran “buddy” to ease the new hire’s first-day jitters. Induction is a short-term event, usually completed on a new employee’s first day.

13. Is there a performance evaluation? How often? And is there an increase after each evaluation?

  • Yes, performance evaluations happen on the 1st, 3rd, and 5th month since the start date of the employee. The increase in salary or allowances after the 5th month of the employee or the start of their regularization period since the feedback for the 5th month evaluation will serve as the basis if the employee is eligible for regularization, depends on the decision of the department heads or the team leaders. Not all are granted increases. Like what was being previously said, the decision is up to the department heads on how the employee has faired in their jobs and how well they handle responsibilities.

14. What are the repercussions if an employee creates misconduct in the company?

  • The repercussion depends on the intensity of the offense. An employee found violating any of the rules and regulations are subject to a due process of law and will be afforded the right to a prompt hearing. He/she shall be given an opportunity to air his/her side either orally or in writing before his/her immediate superior.

15. Can the new hire ask for lacking assets or they have to consult their team leaders or department heads first?

  • Yes, the new hires can lodge a ticket to IT for missing assets like headphones, and such since it is part of the new hire setup. The template of the new hire setup can be accessed through the onboarding officer.

16. Can the new hire use their bank of choice or another bank they have already if they fail to procure from BPI?

  • No, they most certain cannot. The company's payroll is strictly for BPI therefore there is a need for employees, new or not, to procure bank accounts under the company's payroll even if they have existing BPI accounts, they still need to open new accounts for easier access for payroll and avoidance of confusions.

17. Can another medical insurance be used?

  • No, the HMO of the company is exclusive only for PhilCare.

18. What is an RFID and who issues them?

  • an RFID is a specialized identification card which makes the ID unlock specialized doors for every room in the office. But not every ID can access every room, some IDs can only access the room their department is residing and some can access every room in the office without restrictions. The issuance of an RFID is part of the New Hire Setup. Not to confuse it with the company ID, RFIDs are only used to unlock doors. The employees are also given company IDs for formal identification. Furthermore, along with the giving of the RFIDs, the employees are also provided with locker keys for their certain locker numbers for them to store their stuff in.

19. What is Xero and what department can use it?

  • Xero is an application for the finance department where its usage is to request funds. The people who have access to this are the managers, the HR department most especially the recruiter for job postings, employee relations, offboarding for last pay, basically people who need funds can have access to Xero.

20. What is Freshdesk and which department can avail the license?

  • Freshdesk is a ticketing tool used to lodge problems and find sensible solutions either from other employees or ready-made articles for their perusal. The Freshdesk license can only be granted to the people involved in the Human Resources department. The company uses Freshdesk for easier solving of problems faced within the company and the answering of queries from people to people.

21. What is a change management request and which department can it be applicable to?

  • A change management request is a tool that lodges change of policy. The people who can access this are department heads, managers, and the HR department.

22. When will the company IDs be issued?

  • During onboarding, the newly hired employee is asked to provide 1x1 pictures for ID printing purposes. From there, the onboarding officer then asks the HR in-charge of employee relations/engagement to layout the IDs and print them into physical copies. Physical ID copies are issued 1 week after onboarding. 

23. Is an RFID different from a company ID?

  • An RFID is like an identification card used in lieu of a company ID if it is not available yet in order to open locked doors in the office. Like what was being previously said, not all RFIDs by employees can open all doors. Some are only specific to the rooms their department is assigned to. A Company ID is the unique identifier used to match a user’s login to your organization, and can be the name of your company, an abbreviation, or any combination of letters and numbers.