Here are the commonly asked questions about the recruitment process answered and explained:

1. How does the Human Resource department qualify someone to an open position?

  • HR does an extensive screening of applicants to fit the role. The screening process often involves finding the best applicants, shortlisting them, and scheduling them for interviews to further gauge their area of expertise.

2. What is the screening process?

The screening process is as follows:

  • The screening process starts with the recruitment officer acknowledging the people the current employees has referred to for the open position in order for the recruitment officer to cross-check the referred people by examining their resumes, adds their credentials, names, contact numbers, and such to the applicant tracker to prepare them for the initial interview.

  • He/she then probes the applicants who have sent applications from job portals, sends them for initial interviews and if they pass the initial interview, the applicants get re-categorized in the applicant tracker from sent applications to job portals to interviewed and then to be given assessment exams to answer.

  • The qualifications for each position has different basis per position.

  • The most basic qualification is a person with good enough experience regarding the job role. Applicants without experience can be qualified but people with experience is preferred.

  • It is also imperative that the applicant is a college graduate. However, the company accepts applicants who are not college graduates but can walk the talk, meaning they have enough experience needed for the job. The decision about this matter is based on the team leaders and department heads in what they are truly looking for to fill the position.

  • For data entry applicants, they do not require college graduates. They qualify applicants who are still in college.

  • With the applicant tracker, the recruitment officer views the resume sent by applicants and first looks at their experiences.

  • The recruitment officer is very keen on experience.

3. If the MRF has been sent, do you directly post on job portals right after?

  •  Yes. After the MRF has been sent, checked, and approved, the recruitment officer then posts on job boards about the open position.

4. How many applications do you receive in a day? What site receives the most applications?

  • The number of applicants received by the recruitment officer is 20 per day with the most inquiries about data entry.

  • Most applicants apply through Mynimo, next is JobStreet.

  • The average recruitment days consist of 19 days.

5. When and how much does the employee receive if they have successfully referred someone to join the company? What is the policy?

  • The employee who has referred the candidate receives PHP 3,000 whenever the referred person gets accepted for the job and stays in the company for 5 months or more. Only when the referred person reaches 5 months can the referee receive the 3,000 referral bonus given with the guarantee that they have passed the employee evaluation assessed by the HR department.

  • Consecutively, PHP 2,000 will be given to an external partner for every 2 successful referred applicants that passed the 5th month performance evaluation.

6. What are the exams to be taken per role? Does it differ from position to position? Exam Passing Rate?

After they pass the initial interview conducted and reviewed by the recruitment officer, they are slated for assessment exams to test their skills and abilities.

  • The assessment exams differ from position to position: training/HR: same type of exams, tech support: additional IT tech support exam minus the mental ability exam, data entry: competency exam.

  • Exam passing rate also differs from position to position: general exam: 34%, data entry: 75%.

  • After the assessment exams, if they pass, they are taken to final interviews with the department heads or the team leads.

  • There is a certain deadline given to finish the exams before figuring out whether they will be endorsed for a final interview or not.

7. What if no one passes the assessment exams, what is the next step to be taken?

  • If no one passes the exams, the recruitment officer peruses through the shortlisted applicants who have either sent applications to job boards or referred by current employees to start interviewing them and having them take the assessment tests if they pass the initial interview.

8. Who does the initial and final interview? Common questions to be asked and how often do interviews happen?

  • The recruitment officer does and evaluates the initial interview.

  • The department heads do the final interview.

  • Common questions asked in interviews are "What do you know about the company?", "What can you bring to the table?", "What makes you qualified for the job?", the likes.

  • Interviews happen by batch/10 per day for the initial interview and for the final interview, it depends on how many applicants pass the assessment exams.

  • Data entry interviews: differ from specific clients, the one who does the final interviews is the team leader for each client. Sometimes, the client joins the final interview to ask their own questions.

  • For data entry interviews, if they do not pass the final interviews or they are not chosen to be offered the job and they possess the certain experiences asked for each job position, they are asked to become buffers or trainable people to cater to the client’s needs whenever one fails to do so.

9. Are there specific questions the applicants need to answer to shortlist applicants?

  • To pass, there are no specific questions are needed to be answered but rather if you carry the confidence, you get shortlisted because it indicates that you prepared well for the job interview.

10. Examples of answers from applicants from the question “What makes you qualified for the position?"

Most common answers from the question “What makes you qualified for the job?” are:

  • I have the experience needed which plays a huge part.
  • I am hardworking.
  • I am easy to get along with.
  • I am a fast learner.
  • I am a team player.

11. Are there certain qualifications needed to pass the initial interview?

  • There are no certain qualifications needed to pass the initial interview. What he/she is after are your experiences and how you carry the conversation or the interview.

12. How does HR do background checks? When is it done?

  • Background checks are done by the recruitment officer through the references given by the applicant.

  • The recruitment officer asks the applicant for 2 references upon passing the final interview to conduct background checks.

  • The recruitment officer does the background checks by asking the referrals given by the applicants asking the questions like the relationship of the referee and the applicant, basically knowing the what there needs to be known about the applicant.

13. What are the employment requirements to comply prior to on-boarding? Can they onboard without medical records?

  • The employee needs to provide requirements like the government IDs, medical results prior to onboarding. They cannot onboard without the completion of each requirement. Regarding the medical records, they still cannot onboard without them. Basically, each single requirement is fundamental in starting or signing on.

14. If the requirements are not complete, will they be able to start?

  • No, they won't. Like what was being previously said, the onboarding officer requires the employee to secure their requirements completely before starting.

15. How many days are the applicants given to procure needed requirements?

  • The applicants are given 1 week or depending on how many lacking requirements the employee has.

16. What is the most important requirement?

  • The most important requirement, requirements rather are the medical records and the government IDs, most definitely because they serve as identification and an indication that you are fit to work in the company.